GracePointe Church Denton | GP7 MINISTRY
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GP7 is a Christ-centered service ministry rooted in the call given to serve in Acts 6:1-3.  The focus of the GP7 ministry is to serve the Widows, Single Moms, Widowers, and Elderly members of the Gracepointe Church family in practical ways centered on home needs, home repairs, and other service opportunities.


A few qualifications are in place to be considered to receive service from the GP7 Ministry. First, a person must be an active member of Gracepointe Church. Second, you are either a Widow, Single, Widower, or an Elderly member of the Gracepointe Church family. Third, you must either be the homeowner where you reside or have written permission from your landlord if renting the home.


If approved, your part will include, but may not be limited to:

  • Able to pay for any supplies and/or parts needed for the repair.

  • You must sign a Waiver of Liability prior to receiving any service and/or repairs for the respective project.

  • Understand members of the GP7 Ministry Team make their own decisions and schedules and serve faithfully as they are able. 

  • Be willing to put all animals and/or hazardous items away as requested with an understanding this request comes from the heart of service.

  • Be aware the Pastoral Staff or other staff members at Gracepointe Church does not direct, influence, or approve the projects approved by the GP7 Ministry Team. 

  • GP7 Ministry Team Members will not accept any type of payment for their service. If you wish to donate to the GP7 Ministry, please feel free to drop a donation in one of the Giving Boxes located at the back of the Worship Center and specify “GP7 Ministry”. 

  • Some repairs/projects may be beyond the scope of the GP7 Ministry Team and you may need a licensed professional to complete the repair/project.  


To apply, please click the button below to complete an application form. Once the information is received, applicants will be contacted within 24 hours by a member of the GP7 Ministry Team to further discuss details. The GP7 Ministry Team will evaluate on a case-by-case basis and do their best to serve faithfully but also responsibly through sound stewardship of time, finances, and other resources.

If you are interested in serving on the GP7 team, please click the button below to fill out a volunteer application.